Even if your business is the best, you won’t succeed if no one knows who you are. That’s why effective marketing and promotion for your business are critical.

You want your brand to be the first thought that comes to mind whenever your customers have a problem that your business can solve.

Here are 15 proven strategies you can use to promote your business and help make that happen:

  1. Create A Website
  2. Optimise Your Website For SEO
  3. Give Away Promotional Products
  4. List And Verify Your Company On Google Maps And Bing
  5. Create And Be Active On Social Media Channels
  6. Join Groups Where Your Customers Frequent
  7. Request And Leverage Reviews For Your Business
  8. Guest Speak Somewhere, Host a Webinar or Appear On Podcasts
  9. Pay For Digital Advertising
  10. Try A Direct Mail Campaign
  11. Start A Business Blog
  12. Offline Advertising Mediums
  13. Start Building An Email List And Send Out Newsletters
  14. Sponsor Local Sporting Teams/Groups Or Charities
  15. Run A Competition

1. Create A Website

In the age of smartphones and computers, every business should have a website, even if they don’t sell anything online.

Creating your first website can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Wix has a great guide to help get you started.

And there are now a number of easy to use drag and drop platforms out there such as Wix, Squarespace, Webflow and Shopify to create your site.

Google also has a platform that lets you build your first website for free after you have created a Google My Business Listing.

Alternatively, you can hire a developer that can handle everything for you. Just make sure you outline a brief the site must be able to do and have Search Engine Optimisation in mind from the get-go. Read more about this in the next point.

Notebook with website wireframe design in ink

2. Optimise Your Website For SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic from search engines such as Google or Bing to your website.

To put things in basic terms a well-rounded SEO strategy will consist of both on-site and off-site SEO efforts.

The goal of SEO is to bring users to your website from search engines through organic means, meaning no paid advertising.

MOZ has an excellent beginners guide to SEO that will help you understand the basics.

Laptop on table with google search engine open

On-Site SEO

Also known as on-page SEO, it involves optimising elements on the website itself. This will include aspects surrounding the content on the page and the technical web code on the site.

A big aspect of your on-site SEO will revolve around picking the right keywords and creating content that meets the right user intent of those keywords. Google is looking to serve the best answer to a users question/problem.

Start by brainstorming all of the possible keywords you think could be related to your business and then you can use online tools to find related and long-tail keywords.

Off-Site SEO

This involves efforts made off the website to improve rankings in the SERPS (Search Engine Results Pages).

Google uses a variety of metrics including recommendations (backlinks) from other websites to identify if your site/page is trustworthy and authoritative.

There are many different reasons why a website might link to you including guest posting, brand mentions in a news article, local directories and more.

It’s beneficial to think about how you can get relevant backlinks to your website.

Consider Outside Help

SEO can be a complex beast, so sometimes it’s just easiest to get some assistance from an outside source.

Either on an ongoing basis or someone that can outline a plan for you to follow.

3. Give Away Promotional Products

Promotional products are items decorated with your company logo that are usually given away free or at a very low price to promote your brand.

Popular promotional products include pens, shopping bags, drink bottles, USBs, T-shirts and coffee mugs.

Promotional items have many uses. They can be used as a gift with purchase, for client/employee recognition or as a giveaway at events/trade shows to name a few.

They are effective for both increasing customer satisfaction/customer retention and increasing brand awareness. According to a poll conducted by PPAI 83% of consumers like receiving a promotional product.

What other adverts will someone actually thank you for receiving?

Read more about what promotional products are here

Promotional coffee cup with mint printed on band

We have helped thousands of Australian businesses succeed by supplying custom promotional merchandise over the years. It’s scalable to businesses of all sizes and generates many impressions of your brand for a very low cost.

Shop our full range or contact us if you are interested in promoting your business.

4. List And Verify Your Company On Google Maps/Bing Places

Google My Business and Bing Places are essential if you want to rank for local search terms.

For example “mechanics near me”.

It will allow you to appear in the Map Packs/Map search and display important information about your business such as open hours, location, contact details, photos and reviews.

Sometimes it can take a couple of weeks to get approved. So this is a good one to put closer to the top of the list. Usually, they will send out a postcard with a special code that you must enter.

After your listing has been created and verified now you should optimise your listing. This will make you stand out from competitors and also help to rank higher.

  • Add some photos of your business in action. (the more the better)
  • Complete all relevant data fields you can
  • Add your business to local directories keeping NAP (name, address, phone number) consistent
  • Get reviews from customers (more on this below)

Google maps image for mechanics near me
Example of a google maps pack for the search term “Mechanics Near Me”

5. Create And Be Active On Social Media Channels

If you don’t have your business set up on social media you could be missing out. Social media gives your brand a voice and allows you to connect directly with your customers and clients in a less formal fashion.

There are so many social media platforms out there now so it’s important you are concentrating your efforts on the best options for your brand (sometimes less is more).

Here are some of the most popular social media platforms currently:

Facebook: Facebook is currently the biggest social media network in the world and will include a wide range of demographics. A Facebook page is a great idea for most businesses.

Twitter: A public forum where users can make 280 limit character messages called “tweets”. It allows your business to communicate directly with your customers in a concise way.

Linkedin: Usually a good option for B2B organisations. It is a social media platform for professional occupations and usually has a more formal, conservative tone of voice.

Instagram: With a focus on visual content, Instagram is also a very popular platform. Posts to Instagram will either be photo or video content.

Pinterest: Very popular with women, many now use Pinterest the same way they would a search engine. Pinterest is popular for many topics including home decor, art, food, fashion and design.

TikTok: This platform revolves around short-form videos from 3 seconds to a minute in length. TikTok is currently very popular with a younger demographic.

Youtube: Owned by google Youtube is quickly becoming another platform people have started using as a search engine. As internet speeds and technology advances video content is only becoming more popular.

Smart phone with social media icons

6. Join Groups Where Your Customers Frequent

If you can get into groups where your customers frequent you will not only get a better understanding of how they think but also the opportunity to present yourself and your business as a trustworthy authority.

After you have found a suitable group pay attention to what kind of words they use, what problems they face and what common questions arise. This is also a great opportunity to find keywords that you can answer on your website.

Just be sure to provide value and follow the moderation rules the group has outlined.

Facebook, Reddit and online forums are great locations to get started. Just search for your keyword to find results.

For example, if you are a company that specialises in selling hiking boots/camping gear, it might be valuable joining bushwalking groups to better understand your customers.

Facebook groups example for bushwalking groups
Example possible groups when searching for bushwalking on Facebook.

7. Request And Leverage Reviews For Your Business

93% of consumers say online reviews have an impact on their purchase decision.

Just let that sink in.

If you have not been collecting reviews for your business already, it’s probably a good idea to get started. Reviews are:

  • A persuasive social proof marketing tool
  • Help to increase sales and customer retention
  • Highlight areas of the business that can be improved

But where should you get reviews? Here is where we recommend you should start.

Reviews for Google Maps: These reviews are excellent if you are a local business that services customers in a small range.

Google maps customer review example
Example reviews on google maps listings.

Reviews On Facebook/Social Media: Facebook allows you to review pages and businesses. As some customers might find your business through social media it’s important that you are collecting reviews on all platforms where they might visit.

Internal and Third-Party Reviews: Websites that specialise in unbiased reviews may also be a good option depending upon your business such as Yotpo, Trustpilot and Reviews.io.

But how do you actually get reviews? Here are some tips that work:

  • Make it easy, such as sending them a link that takes them directly to the review page
  • Showcase reviews on your website/social media
  • Respond to all reviews (good or bad)
  • Include a call to action after the sale

8. Guest Speak, Host A Webinar Or Appear On Podcasts

If you love public speaking this one will be right up your alley. Making presentations can be a very effective way to generate leads and establish your business as knowledgeable/trustworthy.

There are always opportunities to find speaking opportunities. Such as:

  • Googling where other thought leaders in the industry are speaking at
  • Looking at trade publications and social media for events
  • Find common events are your clients/customers attending
  • Ask on social media
  • Host an event or webinar yourself
Speaking at public conference

That being said. Even if you speaking in front of a large crowd is your worst nightmare (you’re not alone) there is still plenty of options such as Podcasts and Webinars that you may be more comfortable with.

They’re only becoming increasingly popular and are actually better in many scenarios.

Search around for Podcasts/webinars related to your industry and offer to get involved. You might also see there is an opportunity to create your own.

9. Purchase Digital Advertising

Paid advertising is an instant way you can get high-quality traffic to your website (if set up correctly).

It allows you to personalise your targeting with surgical precision and get your name out there.

There are many different ways you can buy digital advertising including search engine ads, social media ads, video promotion, retargeting and display ads.

It’s usually a good idea to test different options and leverage what works and ditch what doesn’t.

Here’s a good guide to get you started on creating your first PPC campaign. Just remember to experiment with what works and optimise.

Google ad examples

10. Try A Direct Mail Campaign

Okay, this one is a little old school but it does still have its place.

The mailbox can get a bad wrap (after all it’s usually where bills are sent to) but it’s also an unexpected way to cut through the noise.

Do you remember the last time you received a personally handwritten letter?

Sending a card to say thank you to your best clients is a great strategy to boost your retention rate and help generate sales.

Alternatively, a shotgun letter drop approach can also be effective. Give it a try and evaluate the feedback.

Holding letter envelope on blue background

11. Start A Business Blog

If you have a knack for writing, a blog is an excellent opportunity to promote your brand. It’s also a great resource that you can share on social media.

A blog allows you to educate your customers or find new ones.

Companies with blogs produce an average of 67% more leads monthly than companies that don’t blog.

Here are some of the reasons why your company should start a blog:

  • SEO benefits (can easily target certain keywords)
  • Establish your business as knowledgeable and trustworthy
  • Generate leads for your business
  • Another way for potential customers to find you
  • Easier to get social media exposure

12. Utilise Other Offline Advertising Channels

Almost 2.6million Australian’s according to the ABS in 2017 did not have access to the internet. So if your target potential falls into this category you are missing out on an opportunity.

Offline advertising channels such as what is listed below still have their place in the mix.

  • Billboards
  • Newspaper Adverts
  • Radio Advertising
  • Promotional Merchandise/Business Cards
  • Leaflets
  • Brochures
  • Trade Shows
  • Posters

Think about what option would work best for your target demographic and then give it a go.

Posters on wall

13. Build An Email List And Send Out Newsletters

Email marketing is dead they say, social media has taken over.

Well, the stats say otherwise. This may happen eventually but for the meantime, email is still alive and kicking.

It’s estimated that according to DMA, 2019 for every $1 you spend on email marketing you can expect an approximate return of $42 on average.

If that doesn’t convince you already that you should be doing email marketing I don’t know what will.

Start creating an email database, ensuring you can segment your audience. And then get to sending out emails that have valuable information for the recipient about your business.

Here are some tips for email marketing:

  • Optimise your emails for both PC and mobile
  • Try to include videos and other engaging animated content
  • Use enticing subject lines to increase the click-through rate
  • Personalise emails as much as possible
  • Make your copy skimmable
  • Don’t pay for lists

Two birds with one stone. This is a great way to market your brand and help out the community.

There are many sports teams, clubs and charities out there that need your support and in return are willing to promote your business. Ask around and you will be surprised what opportunities are available.

Just keep in mind that you will probably want to do so for groups relevant to your target demographic.

Bonus Tip: Try to also look at getting a backlink to your website for SEO and traffic purposes.

This promotion method can also open up networking opportunities and create goodwill for your brand.

Kids soccer team high fiving

15. Run a Competition

Everyone loves the excitement of a chance at winning something so it’s no surprise that competitions can be an effective way to promote your business (just look at the lottery).

Before starting the competition ask yourself what you want the goal to be. Is it to increase social media following, promote a new product, create content or perhaps increase sales?

Next set an objective/entry requirement (such as taking a photo and tagging your brand on social media) and then an appropriate prize.

Just be sure the rules are clear and then is the fun part of selecting and announcing a winner.

GoPro is a big company that has had massive success with competitions.

Hosting a “Million Dollar Challenge” that involved many applicants from around the world creating unique content that shows off what their new GoPro Hero 9 black could do.

Summing Up

At first, promoting your business can seem like an insurmountable task, there are so many options out there. Where do you begin?

Much like eating an elephant.

But how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

This is the same approach you should take to promoting your business. Develop a plan and then get the ball rolling. Just remember that what will work for one company might not for another so it’s always best to test and optimise.